Study Shows That Alcohol Actually Increases The Risk For Stroke

A new study by the BMJ shows that while a moderate amount of drinking will decrease the risk of a heart attack, this comes at the cost of increasing the risk of arterial fibrillation.

What sets this study apart from other studies is that it studies hospital records in specific regions, as opposed to individual patients.

The regions in question are an assorted mix in Texas, where there are a number of counties that prohibit alcohol. This enabled researchers to study large amounts of data with an extremely high chance of the information being accurate.

The results of the study is as follows: there is a 17?crease in heart attack risk, while at the same time there was a 5 percent increase in arterial fibrillation. The reasons for this seem rather obvious: the risk for arterial fibrillation is increased by thinning the blood. Now, heart attacks are caused by clots, which arise from the blood being too thick. This is the reason many people take blood thinners. So, via a simply matter of moderating your intake, you can ensure that you can decrease your heart attack risk while ensuring that you don’t end up with a stroke, which is often a result of arterial fibrillation.

Of course, getting the medical community to admit that they are wrong about alcohol being bad for you in every way is quite a task, so don’t expect to see drinking as part of your next prescription.


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