According to conventional wisdom, and most of the studies conducted until recently, coffee is bad for you. Coffee has been blamed for just about everything from bone loss to cancer. Needless to say, these fears are groundless.
The simple fact is that most of these old studies were conducted on people who liked to smoke two packs of cigarettes in between coffees. Of course, it is far more likely that the tar that these fellows inhaled was responsible for the issues they were facing, as opposed to the coffee.
The reason coffee receives so much blame is on account of the caffeine in it, people are afraid of what it does and they feel that it is unnatural, and there some kind of idiotic consensus out there that things aren’t natural are harmful. Of course, such a viewpoint is nothing but pure, reactionary foolishness.
The simple fact is that nature is harmful, which is why people live in houses and cities, not in fields and forests. Allergies are a part of nature, as are diseases and bacteria. So is poison ivy and arsenic, which will kill you. U.V. rays are natural, and they cause cancer. So is death itself.
On the flip side, respirators, which unquestionably save countless lives, are wholly unnatural. So are heating in the winter and AC in the summer, which, again, save lives. Also penicillin, which changed pneumonia from a death sentence to a minor annoyance, is unnatural. And, no, superbugs are not more dangerous to you than ordinary viruses are, it’s just that our current crop of antibiotics won’t kill them.
The truth is that all of the things that I called unnatural are actually natural, except that they require some assistance to be implemented, much in the way that we need to water fields in order to grow crops. But this same foolishness that ascribes perfection to nature also refuses to recognize that nature requires man to bring forth its potential, and so it sees any human involvement in nature as unnatural.
Anyhow, back to coffee.
So, coffee actually helps you tremendously by boosting your metabolism, which is almost always a plus, especially if you are elderly. Also, it helps to wash accumulated toxins out from your system, again, by boosting your metabolism. Further, caffeine is a minor diuretic, which is also healthy (in moderation. In higher quantities, it balances itself out). It certainly will not dehydrate you, contrary to popular mythology.
Furthermore, the pick me up given by caffeine is an excellent stimulant for the right brain, which is unquestionably good for you. Additionally, it helps you in dealing with others, which is also extremely important. Of course, taken in excess it will harm you just like anything else will, including water. Will it ruin your night’s sleep? Only if you drink coffee at night. And even then, if you are tired enough, you will fall asleep anyway. But if you drink coffee at night, the problem is you making stupid choices, not the coffee. Don’t blame the side effects of your own stupidity on coffee. If you take a sleeping pill at 7 o’clock in the morning, is the pill’s fault that you are tired the whole day? Of course not, the problem was that you took the pill at 7 AM. The pill didn’t do nothing wrong, you just chose to abuse it. Same thing with coffee. One thing you don’t do: drink coffee at mealtimes. It will fool your body into thinking that it doesn’t need the energy you are giving it via the food, and will turn it into fat instead. So that is one thing you don’t do. Otherwise, coffee is perfectly healthy.
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